University of North Carolina at Asheville


Minutes, September 11, 2008




Members:    C. Bell, K. Cole, L. Dohse, B. Haas, M. Harvey, G. Heard, J. Konz, A. Lanou, B. Larson,

                  L. Nelms, L. Russell, J. McClain, M. Moseley, E. Pearson, D. Pierce, B. Sabo, S. Wasileski,

                  B. Wilson; J. Fernandes; Alt. G. Ettari.


Visitors:      E. Katz, G. Kormanik, J. Leffe, P. McClellan, R. Pente, A. Shope, J. Tieman.



I.        Call to Order, Introductions and Announcements

          Dr. Dohse called the meeting to order at 3:25 pm and welcomed Senators and guests.


II.       Approval of minutes

          The minutes were approved as distributed:

              April 10, 2008

              April 24, 2008 (3:15pm)

              April 24, 2008 (4:30pm) 


III.      Executive Committee Report

          Dr. Lothar Dohse reported for the Executive Committee

          Chancellor Ponder is attending a Board of Governors meeting and sends her apologies for being unable to attend the meeting today.  She will meet with the Senate when she can.  In the meantime, there are meetings scheduled so that Dr. Dohse and Dr. Wilson can talk to her, and any important issues can be communicated between us and her office.  

      Standing Rules and Rules of Order (SRRO)

          Dr. Dohse explained that the 2008-09 Standing Rules and Rules of Order were the same as last year’s SRRO.  He reminded Senators that they were elected to the Faculty Senate by the faculty; he urged them to vote on issues rather than to abstain from voting.  Senators were asked to talk to him beforehand if there was a reason for a recusal:  this should only be used if there is a real conflict of interest. 

          The Senate approved the Standing Rules and Rules of Order (Moseley/Sabo).  They are available at: 

2008-09 Standing Rules and Rules of Order.

      Discussion Board

          Dr. Dohse has set up a discussion board on One-Port for the faculty to use as a campus forum.   People can give their opinions and others will respond without cluttering up email.  The Executive Committee agreed to test it to see how it works.  Dr. Dohse will email instructions to the campus community.  


          Instructions on getting onto the discussion forum on One-Port. 

      Note:  some of the steps only need to be done once.


          All users

          1.  Get on One-Port and log in.

          2.  Click on the "Groups" icon located on the upper right.


          First time users:

          3a.  Click on "Group Index"

          3b.  On the left menu click on "academic"

          3c.  Choose "Faculty Discussion Forum"

          3d.  Request to "Join Group".

          To join you must agree not to abuse your privileges and understand that your comments are public.

          3e. Read agreement; if you still want to join, check off the two boxes and click the "Join" button.


          Second (or later) time users:

          3.  Choose "Faculty Discussion Forum"


          All users

          4.  Under "Message Board Topic" pick the topic of interest, and read message and responses.

          5.  If you wish to enter your response, click "Post a Reply" and enter your comment.

          6.  Click on "Post".


Senate Representative to the Position Allocation Committee

          The Executive Committee appointed Linda Nelms as the Faculty Senate representative to the Position Allocation Committee for the term 2008-10.  Dr. Dohse thanked Ms. Nelms for her willingness to serve.

Faculty Representative on CSAC

          Dr. Dohse welcomed Judi Leffe, Chair of the Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC).  The Senate needs to appoint a faculty representative to attend CSAC meetings.  Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month from 1:30-2:30pm in the Highsmith Union. 

          Dr. Dohse asked Senators to nominate someone who meets three criteria:  1) wants to be on CSAC, 2) has at least three years of experience at UNCA and, 3) is a reasonable diplomat.  The appointment will be announced at the October Senate meeting. 

Continuity with 2007-08 Faculty Senate

          Senators received suggestions for continuity from 2007-08 Senate Chair Peg Downes so that work initiated last year will continue.  


IV.     Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report

          Dr. Merritt Moseley gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.

          First Reading

          The following documents were distributed for First Reading:

          FWDC 1: 2008 Revisions to the Post-Tenure Review Process

                        (Revision of SD6405S and Faculty Handbook 3.7.3)

          FWDC 2: Amendment to Student Rating of Instruction policy

                        (Revision to SD1482F and Faculty Handbook 


      Sense of the Senate Resolution

      Dr. Moseley moved approval of the following resolution.  Dr. Sabo seconded the motion. 


Sense of the Senate Resolution


The Faculty Senate affirms that UNC Asheville’s guidelines and procedures for Performance Review of Tenured Faculty are in compliance with the 1997 report as amended in 2008, with minor exceptions.  The changes necessary to comply will be made by the Faculty Senate on October 16, 2008.   The Sense of the Senate Resolution passed without dissent and became Senate Document 0108F.


Nominees to Standing Committees

          The Senate considered nominees to Standing Committees in follow up business from last April.  Nominees to the ILSOC and ILS intensives were placed on hold in April so discussions could continue.


          Faculty Integrative Liberal Studies Oversight Committee

      2008-2011 – Information Literacy             Tammy Huffman   SS 


         ILS Intensives:

            Diversity                       2008-2011         Keith Bramlett    SS      
            Information Literacy    2008-2011         Sam Kaplan       NS

            Quantitative                 2008-2011         Mike Ruiz           NS


         Textbook Committee [10.3.14] {SD3508S}

            2008-2010 – rep from university programs              Cynthia Ho  

            Remove Betsy Wilson (there is no NS slot)


         University Research Council (URC) [10.3.5] {SD7808S)
            2008-2009 –    Rodger Payne   HUM 

          Dr. Lanou asked how the names arrived on the slate: what was the process?  A faculty member came to her with some concern about our willy-nilly appointments to ILS committees.  Members of FWDC could not recall.  Dr. Bell said that as a member of ILSOC, the issue was that people were being appointed to the committee who had never taught courses in those intensives, or had no experience in areas that ILSOC has oversight over.  That concerned members of ILSOC considerably.  Dr. Hantz wrote a letter to the then Chair and a decision was made to wait and appoint experienced faculty.  Dr. Lanou asked if the second set of names was brought forth from ILSOC.  Dr. Bell said Alan Hantz would be the person to ask. 

          Sandra Gravely said that some faculty members with no prior experience submitted preference forms expressing interest in serving on these committees.  The nominees before the Senate today have considerable experience and Alan Hantz concurred with this slate last May.  Greg Boudreaux, last year’s FWDC Chair, will join the Senate and answer questions at the conclusion of his class at 4:25pm.

          Dr. Moseley said that the feelings of ILSOC are entirely right – that experienced and interested people should be appointed, but the appointments are still made by the Faculty Senate.     The nominees were approved without dissent (Moseley/Bell).

      FWDC representatives to Committees

      Dr. Moseley made the following announcements:

·         Faculty Scholarship and Service Awards Committee

§         2008-2009       George Heard

§         2008-2010       Ellen Pearson

·         University Teaching Council

§         2008-2009       Merritt Moseley

          Alternate Faculty Conciliator

          The Student Government Association appointed Mark Sidelnick as Alternate faculty conciliator for 2008-09 and faculty conciliator in 2009-10.  The 2008-09 faculty conciliator is Ken Betsalel. 


             V.     Institutional Development Committee Report

                      Dr. Betsy Wilson reported for the Institutional Development Committee.

Comments received on Program Assessment

          Dr. Wilson said that last year IDC developed a draft on program assessment.  The Senate received a draft on April 10th and another draft on April 24th.  Senators asked that the most current draft be placed on the Senate website for discussion and comment.  IDC has received comments and they have been incorporated into a document for IDC’s review.  Dr. Wilson anticipates distributing the document at the October meeting.      

          First Reading

     The following document was distributed for First Reading:

     IDC 1:  Intent to Plan Masters Degree in Climate Change and Society. 


          Dr. Wilson said that IDC had been asked to withdraw IDC 1 from consideration.  The plan may be rewritten and possibly would not need Senate approval. 


VI.     Academic Policies Committee Report
Bill Sabo reported for the Academic Policies Committee.
          Actions taken at APC’s first meeting follow:

·         The Standing Rules and Procedures were approved.  They will be sent to Chairs and Program Directors soon. 

·         APC unanimously selected Lorena Russell as APC’s representative to ILSOC. 

·         Discussed general education and ILS review (point 6 on Dr. Downes’ continuity document).  APC made some tentative decisions regarding procedures, but agreed to deliberate more before making definitive decisions. 

·         APC is working on a timeline and a commitment of three basic things that APC will undertake in the next one or two years regarding the review of this process. 

VII.    Administrative Reports
          Academic Affairs
Provost Jane Fernandes reported from Academic Affairs.
          Dr. Fernandes thanked everyone for the warm welcome and support she has received.  She is enjoying working here very much and is hoping for a good and long partnership.    
          Fall enrollment for new freshmen and transfers is very good:  the number is a little higher and the quality of high school GPAs, SATs, and ACT scores is a little better than last year.  Pat McClellan and the Admissions Office were working without a director, and despite the many changes, they did a wonderful job.   We have a little more racial diversity, with the most growth being in Latino students.  Nothing went down in the new class.  Overall enrollment is down a little because of the loss of some students for various reasons. 
          Relationship between Enrollment, Retention, Budget
Dr. Fernandes discussed the Faculty Senate’s future consideration on the role that faculty have in enrollment and retention, and to work together to devise some roles and niches for faculty that will help us enroll the best students and to successfully graduate these students.  She has received disturbing telephone calls from General Administration’s Budget Office notifying us that we failed to meet our enrollment projections for the last four years.  Our enrollment projections are behind ~225 students – and our budget is based on our enrollment projections.  The state legislature is pressuring universities to meet enrollment targets.  One university in the system had a budget freeze during the summer because it was behind in its enrollment.  We have some time to close the gap:  we need to make up about 225 students in two years.  We could possibly see a budget cut.  If our budget is cut, we might have a loss of faculty.  When the strategic planning work groups meet to discuss graduation and retention, she hopes our colleagues will help her develop strategies to improve graduation and retention rates. 
          Strategic Planning
Fernandes is leading the following work groups:
          Retention and graduation
         Faculty/staff recruitment
         Liberal arts mission
         Culture of evidence
         Diversity and inclusion

The work groups will be developing action plans.  There are roles for Senators that she will discuss with the Executive Committee. 
          Diversity Action Council
The Diversity Action Council (DAC) is developing a definition of diversity for UNCA.  The Board of Trustees plans to discuss our definition at its September 18th meeting.  Our definition involves focusing on race and ethnicity of students, faculty, and staff on campus.  We will be using a lens that will allow us to include all the dimensions of human diversity.  
Dr. Pierce commented that this is his second term on the Senate and one thing that distressed him was to find out that once you were on the Senate, you were appointed not only to a Senate subcommittee, but also to various other committees.  He encouraged Dr. Fernandes – and all administrators -- to reach beyond the Senate when appointing faculty to committees; to consider some of the 200 faculty on campus to participate.  Dr. Fernandes agreed and suggested expanding the pool of people on the committees.  Dr. Pierce suggested changing the membership of the work groups to “member of the Faculty Senate or designee,” so that the Senate would have a role, but not necessarily appoint a particular Senator.  Dr. Moseley suggested using Faculty Senate alternates who are quasi members of the Senate who do not sit on APC, IDC, or FWDC. 
          Dr. Heard referred to Dr. Fernandes’ enrollment report and asked if we were balanced between in-state and out-of-state students.  Dr. Fernandes said that we are in balance now, but next year we are going to aggressively recruit out-of-state students.  They bring in more funds, more tuition, and more diversity.  We can exceed 18% out-of-state students for one year with no penalty. 
          These enrollment targets will improve our numbers over last year’s:

·   635 new freshmen

·   300 new transfers

·   12% racial and ethnic diversity

·   higher high school GPA and SAT

·   18% or more out-of-state students

·   5 international students

·   35 international exchange students 


VIII.   Old Business
There was no Old Business.

IX.     New Business
Moseley thanked members of the Senate and their colleagues and departments on campus for those who were supportive of our ACT in Asheville day.  He was very appreciative – it can not work without faculty support.   

X.       Adjourn
Dr. Dohse adjourned the meeting at 4:10pm. 


Respectfully submitted by:    Sandra Gravely

                                           Executive Committee